Struggling to come up with a fictional village name or small town name to help tell a brand story?When writing these fictional tales, you don't need to rely on personal creativity to name every element of a story from the characters to the villages, towns, or countries.

Below is a list of are more than 565 fantasy village names that'll help capture the imagination of your readers. I invested more than two days of of my life coming up with these suggestions. Let me know what you think of the ideas.

  • Village Name Ideas
  • Fantasy Village Name Ideas
  • Small Town Names for Stories
  • Old Village Name Ideas
  • Fantasy Town Name Ideas
  • Funny Village Name Ideas
  • Viking Village Name Ideas
  • Medieval Village Name Ideas
  • Aesthetic Village Names Ideas
  • Ways to Generate Unique Town or Village Names

Village Name Ideas

Coming up with a name is a hard task. But coming up with a name for a village? Even harder. You'll need to be creative with this, which can be a challenge if you're battling writer's block. Fortunately, I've got you covered with these village name ideas.

  • Haling Cove
  • White Bridge
  • Lockwood Village
  • Daekrahm Village
  • Warlington
  • Azalea Village
  • Bryxton Town
  • Ark Ville
  • York Village
  • Mint Ville
  • Wallux Town
  • Old Lyptak
  • Smew Village
  • Old Babbler
  • Penduline Village
  • Begtuok Village
  • Tangerine Town
  • Slahthar Village
  • Kendra Town
  • Brilfax Village
  • Lumina Village
  • Old Town Zahra
  • Fluhxly Village
  • Drago Village
  • Bryxton Town
  • Ark Ville
  • York Village
  • Mint Ville
  • Wallux Town
  • Oar's Rest
  • Briar Glen
  • Old Lyptak
  • Blackburn Village
  • Jarren's Outpost
  • Peterborough Town
  • Tarnstead Ville
  • Landow Village
  • Old Nearon
  • Kincardine Town
  • Aysgarth Village
  • Veritas Village
  • Openshaw Town
  • Old Bredwardine
  • Berkton Village
  • Wolford Village
  • Old Norwich
  • Kald Village
  • Solaris Village
  • Pitmerden Village
  • Warcester Town
  • Orchard Square
  • Fair Village
  • Eastern Trinzall
  • Mystic Red Village
  • Gale Town
  • Old Town Joviz
  • Saeville Village
  • New Chestnut
  • Blurg Village
  • Plum Paradise
  • Princeton Village
  • Vihnlox Village
  • Warlock's Village
  • Old Ghouls' Town
  • Happy Smiles Village
  • Old Surish Town
  • Kalresu Village
  • New Xoclese Village
  • Genly Village
  • Forcas Village
  • Akriel Village
  • New Town Riversville
  • Old Pavo Village
  • Glimmer Village
  • Town of Galeru
  • New Port Underville
  • Clover Village
  • Tiny Twig Ville
  • New Atlas Village
  • Bering Village
  • Old Town Farrahville
  • Sweet Delphine Village
  • Ebba Village
  • Quiet Starrville
  • Town of Esme
  • Vanora Village
  • Lorelai Village
  • Lavender Sky Square
  • Old Port Larkville
  • Fleur Village

Fantasy Village Name Ideas

Village names for fantasy stories.

When writing a fantasy story, you need to make sure all the elements connect down to the tiniest of details. If you're looking for a creative name for your story's village these fantasy village name ideas to breath life into a story.

  • New Rocknesse
  • Snowspell Village
  • Bybeech Town
  • Eastfox Village
  • Old Town Northton
  • Coldbeach Village
  • Deep Run
  • Scunthorpe Village
  • Carmarthen Village
  • New Falmouth Village
  • Maiden's Eye Town
  • Frostmount Ville
  • Anglesey Town
  • Old Goldfleece
  • Deepwald Village
  • Dormeadow Town
  • Violetlyn Ville
  • Nas Laed
  • Old Town Yorel
  • Wyvernland Village
  • Strongmeadow Village
  • Esterdragon Ville
  • New Underwent
  • Rockmount Village
  • Old Place Svendborg
  • Waterdown Village
  • Esteredge Town
  • Deepoak Village
  • Silent Stone
  • Clearfog Town
  • Aldness Village
  • Bellhall Village
  • Luxor Ville
  • Briar Breach Village
  • Saltwreath Town
  • Zapatosa Ville
  • Aurich Town
  • Nicosa Village
  • Sunfall Village
  • Tuskenvale Town
  • Old Town Nox

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  • Grafburg Village
  • Lingen Village
  • Wolfsburg Town
  • Old Janley
  • Redgold Village
  • Mallowkeep Village
  • Landmeadow Town
  • Eriwald Village
  • Brightwood Village
  • Bird Valley
  • Old Town Desberg
  • Old Pyro
  • Quinn Village
  • Grytt Village
  • Frandlyn Village
  • Gentle Mornings
  • Yellow Garden Village
  • Apolline Village
  • New Xiah

Small Town Names for Stories

Small town names.

Fantasy stories often include adventure about hero's traveling to new lands and villages. Naming each village, though, isn't as easy as it seems. Here are some suggestions.

  • Sanborn View
  • Northern Sullerdale
  • Green Haven
  • Port Deep
  • Low Beaver Town
  • Birch Lake
  • Western Sutten Forest
  • Woldford Village
  • Nightcastle Village
  • Port Canyon
  • Green Bay
  • Potters Pine
  • Kruger Bluff
  • Reeds Point
  • North River Castle
  • Great Thompson Land
  • Sanborn Deep
  • Copper Church
  • Moore View
  • Gateway Park
  • Old Union Lookout
  • Allen Field
  • Central Village
  • Strawberry Port
  • Summerstown Village
  • Lower Sunflower Pond
  • Western Copperborro
  • Arthurfield Village
  • Allenwoods Town
  • Keywoods Village
  • Lincoln Creek
  • Clayborro Village
  • Western Mayford
  • Centeralopolis Town
  • Grand Beaver Union
  • Apple Castle
  • Marys Pond
  • New May Gate
  • Hicksberg Village
  • Walt River
  • Orchard Hollow
  • Watson Port
  • Wood Spring Village
  • Stark Forest Village
  • Fair View Village
  • Goat Bluff
  • West Strawberry Ridge
  • Old Sanborngate Town
  • Sutten Village
  • Walt Grove
  • Sand Park Village
  • Grand Strawberryfield
  • Old Nightdale
  • Prince Church
  • Brickfield Village
  • Riverford Village
  • Andrewland Village
  • Roger Town
  • New Cliff
  • Hart Canyon Village

Old Village Name Ideas

What would you name this village?

Coming up with a name for a village set in the times of old, you may need to think outside the box for inspiration. If you're looking for an old village name, all you need to do is scroll down to see our list.

  • Asura Village
  • Town of Ecanus
  • Forcas Village
  • Akriel Village
  • Old Town Gemville
  • New Riversville
  • Pavo Village
  • Xephov Village
  • Vine Village
  • Glimmer Village
  • Town Galeru
  • Old Underville
  • Clover Village
  • Twig Ville
  • Atlas Village
  • Bering Village
  • Marintopia Town
  • New Town Farrahville
  • Delphine Village
  • Ebba Village
  • Old Springpond
  • Wildecliff Village
  • Barrowmeadow Village
  • Old Lochholt
  • Ironedge Village
  • Riverdell Village
  • Hillside Village
  • Old Town Cocoville
  • Mandarin Square
  • Sur Village
  • Pearl Village
  • Crystal Village
  • Greene Town
  • White Town
  • Two Seasons Town
  • New Town Sunnyville
  • Wyrm Village
  • Arctic Village
  • Twin Village
  • Smew Village
  • Old Babbler
  • Oakwood Village
  • Friends Village
  • Griklin Square
  • Treacle Town
  • Rising Tide Village
  • Ash Ville
  • Jiaduk Village
  • Old Apple
  • Skrix Village
  • Upper Ghyllxos
  • Pohrkos Village
  • Kuntehly Village
  • Antykla Town
  • Petal Village
  • Summer Town
  • Opal Berry Village
  • Begtuok Village
  • Tangerine Town
  • Slahthar Village

Fantasy Town Name Ideas

A mountain town.

  • Eastern Arthur Grove
  • Lucky Springs
  • Moose Village
  • Metro Field
  • Southern Clear Field
  • Grand East Springs
  • Old Fern Spring
  • Lower Owl Lake
  • Blue Grove Village
  • Stone Gale
  • Spring Ridge
  • Gale Rock
  • Green River Village
  • High Rogerdale
  • Kruger Deep
  • Fair Creek
  • Walt Mound Village
  • Upper Church Town
  • Calvary Gate
  • East Reeds Ridge
  • New Birdsberg Town
  • George Hollow
  • Birch Lookout Village
  • Fort Sheep View
  • Forest Pine
  • Southern Centeralton
  • Fort Beaver Valley
  • Upper Pine Castle
  • Old Sunflower Woods
  • Great McAllen Gate
  • Old Town Linhaven
  • Shadowwinter Village
  • Westerbarrow Village
  • Old Coastfield
  • Chambery Village
  • Eastsea Village
  • Oakcross Town
  • Greyridge Village
  • Old Town Mountbank
  • Weakward Village

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  • Blessed Village
  • Lovely Village
  • Old Stunnersville
  • Fetching Square
  • Dazzleville
  • Watcher's Village
  • New Town Summerville
  • Nightingale Village
  • Evanesce Village
  • Elixir Village
  • Eastern Trinzall Village
  • Mystic Red Village
  • Waehr Village
  • Peach Pink Village
  • Port Gendar
  • Auburn Village
  • Diamond Village
  • New Grasslands
  • Hirtas Villas
  • Great Xendos Town

Funny Village Name Ideas

Silly village names you might want to use.

If you're aiming to add a bit of comedy to your epic story, you can do so by adding a funny village name.

  • Great Mountain Village
  • Old Town Boring
  • Great Diamond Hollow
  • East Meadowland
  • French May Lake
  • Always Night Village
  • Birch Rock Town
  • Wold Gate
  • Old Andrew Hill
  • Moose Springs
  • Fat Lady Village
  • Key Castle
  • Gateway Town
  • Passing Through Village
  • Old Aspencastle
  • Sugar Castle
  • Great Gale
  • Old Man Marys
  • Saint Woods Village
  • Olden Town
  • Elk Ridge
  • Beaver Land
  • Town of Lard
  • Moose Union Village
  • Upper Apple Gate
  • Port Key Hill
  • Strongwynne Village
  • Welland Village
  • Misthall Village
  • Pork Barrel Valley
  • East Kruger Canyon
  • Old Town Brightwood
  • Banner Springs
  • Fallbell Village
  • Thompson Mound Town
  • High Gentle Lagoon
  • Ark Pine Village
  • Meadow View
  • Lake Grove Village
  • Owl Ridge
  • Potters Rock
  • Nightside Village
  • Birch Church
  • Opal Heights
  • New Marysopolis
  • Plain View Town
  • Blackmont Village
  • Pyrrhic Village
  • Old Town Fusionville
  • Neo Village
  • Old Wood Square
  • Senluox Village
  • Hell Kry Town
  • Berry Knox
  • Woodland Village
  • William's Bay
  • South Stone Village
  • Courlyn Square
  • Old Bright Well
  • Rock Hill Village

Viking Village Name Ideas

A viking village in the distance.

Vikings were a ruthless group of people that would ravage town after town. If you're writing a story about them, it's best if you have a good name for a village these people would call home.

  • Hvinir
  • Skjoldolfsnes
  • Sandgil
  • Eyjasandr
  • Eilifsdalsa
  • Skioadalr
  • Deildargil
  • Garoar
  • Isrooarstaoir
  • Bekansstaoir
  • Kjallaksholl
  • Manarfell
  • Fjalir
  • Hafnarfjall
  • Keldunes
  • Hofoarsandr
  • Akranes
  • Skotufjoror
  • Helgahraun
  • Hrafnista
  • Grunnafjoror
  • Helgavatn
  • Einarsfjoror
  • Marboeli
  • Hafsloekr
  • Dumbshaf
  • Kolgrafir
  • Breioavao
  • Svignaskaro
  • Breioa
  • Djupadalr
  • Reykjaholt
  • Hakonarstaoir
  • Hjaltaeyrr
  • Auounarstaoir
  • Krokr
  • Bersastaoir
  • Alost
  • Kalfskinn
  • Skalanes
  • Kopanes
  • Krumsholar
  • Lagey
  • Hjorleifshofoi
  • Hafrsfjoror
  • Kjos
  • Almdalir
  • Osomi
  • Gunnolfsfell
  • Mioengi
  • Ashildarmyrr
  • Leira
  • Ira
  • Kiojaberg
  • Jorundarholt
  • Brokey
  • Manavik
  • Hundsnes
  • Ofeigsstaoir
  • Mulafell

Medieval Village Name Ideas

Town from the Middle Ages.

  • Basingstoke Village
  • Old Town Dereham
  • Copstage Village
  • Prince Town
  • Northern Ken
  • Fort Sunberry
  • Old Sullerwoods
  • Fern Union Village
  • Lower Arthur Ford Town
  • Old Town Willwoods
  • Peace River Square
  • Emerald Lagoon
  • Birchfield Village
  • North Castle Shores
  • White Gate Village
  • Westford Square
  • Bannerdale Village
  • Ripple Hills
  • Mellifluous Village
  • Lily Town
  • Felicity Town
  • Old Town Efferville
  • Creeksville Village
  • Ezra Village
  • Cicely Village
  • New Town Irisville
  • Panacea Village
  • Luna Village
  • Sereina Square
  • Elysian Village
  • Linlim Village
  • Turwen Town
  • Old Anna
  • Eleanor Village
  • Myrna Village
  • Kalrond Town
  • Old Beth Village
  • Gillim Village
  • Old Tilros
  • Cathwaer Village
  • Nightwood Village
  • Rose Gold Town
  • Opal Village
  • Willcastle Square
  • Low Highland Town
  • Auburn View Village
  • Halcyon Village
  • Akrasia Village
  • Ingenue Village
  • Sanguine Village
  • Mabel Town
  • Olin Town
  • Old Raven Village
  • Nosar Town
  • Ivy Village
  • Town of Eva
  • New Wehnthor Village
  • Olive Village
  • Old Myrtle
  • Billensya Village

Aesthetic Village Names Ideas

Immerse your readers in a story with these aesthetic village names.

  • Sublime Village
  • New Town Cosmic View
  • Moon Village
  • Old Plushville
  • Harmony Village
  • Pineville Square
  • Ruby Village
  • Cosima Village
  • Lyca Village
  • Eden Village
  • Violet Amethyst Village
  • Davina Village
  • Rock Castle Square
  • Williams Land Village
  • Pleasant Shores Village
  • Old Town Gentlewoods
  • Pristine Hills
  • Sequoia Village
  • Cherish Grove
  • Scintilla Square
  • Nadir Village
  • Old Ephemeral Village
  • Operose Village
  • Lucca Village
  • New Seraphina Village
  • Town of Ashby
  • Zos Village
  • Old Berkshire Village
  • Uriel Village
  • Zerta Village
  • Hicksborro Hills
  • Wood Mound Village
  • Watson Castle Square
  • Hart Lookout Village
  • Beavercastle Town
  • Port West Pond
  • Diamond Creek Village
  • Joules Town
  • Orbit Village
  • Mikyla Village
  • Old Town Farville
  • Navi Village
  • Cassiopeia Village
  • Solaris Square
  • Sublime Square
  • Hibiscus Village
  • New Jade Town
  • Blessed Village
  • New Port Stunnersville
  • Old Fetching Square
  • Town of Summerville
  • Aurora Village
  • Serendipity Hill
  • Euphoria Town
  • New Eudaemonia Village
  • Pine Tree Valley
  • Deep Lake Village
  • Three Tree Village
  • Blyworth Shores
  • Vaulinhorn Village

Ways to Generate Unique Town or Village Names

Village near the sea.

Writing a story set in the past can use up all your creative juices. Lucky for you, I'm here to take care of some heavy lifting. Here are a few things that you can do to come up with a unique town or village name that add character to a story.

Don't Be Afraid to be Creative

When coming up with a name for a village or town, it doesn't matter that it sounds right. Doing so gives the village a "foreign" feel allowing readers to become immersed in an alternate world. One of the best ways to capture a light bulb moment is to take a step back from the work. One way I accomplish this is by going for a run to clear my head. More often than not, I come back from an exercise session with new ideas.

Find Inspiration with a Map

Once you've set a location for your story, let's say in England. Take a look at the map of the country and familiarize yourself with the names of its cities or towns. From there, you can try and come up with a name that sounds similar. This is a secret tactic of seasoned writers.

Use Various Adjectives

When naming a village, you can look for words that best describe it. For example, is it bright? You could go with "Sunshine Village" or "Brighten Township."

Make Use of Old or Traditional Descriptive Words

When it comes to an old fictional village or town, you can use the term "old" to describe it. For example, "Old Ephemeral Village" or "Old Fetching Square".

There's nothing like sitting down and reading a good book. But, reading habits in the U.S. have seen a decline in recent years especially with modern forms of entertainment competing for attention. Nonetheless, Statista reported  74% of adults report reading at least one book in the past year. The survey also states 98% of correspondents read books solely for entertainment and pleasure. If you're a writer, that's certainly reassuring to hear.